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An electric chainsaw is being used to cut down a tree that was killed by a hurricane in Florida.

5 Factors That Determine When Trees Must Be Removed

It’s not always easy to know when a tree must be removed. Many trees can often be saved, and some dead trees are also allowed to remain since they serve as a good habitat for wildlife. However, there are cases when tree removal is necessary. Knowing the factors that determine this will help you to know when tree removal must occur.

1. Assess How Close the Tree Is to Property

If you have a dead tree that’s not too close to your property and will not cause any danger if it falls, you can allow it to remain. Additionally, if it will not impact any nearby trees, you’re good to go. However, if the tree is near your home, then the tree must be removed. It falls, there’s a high risk of property damage, serious injury, or even death.

2. Check If 50% of the Tree Is Damaged

While many trees can recover from damage or illness, there are instances in which trees just can’t be saved. If a tree has 50% damage, removal is the only course of action because such trees can cause nearby trees to become ill. These damaged trees can also eventually die and pose hazards if property is nearby. It’s a good idea to contact a licensed tree care specialist to come out to assess the tree to determine the amount of damage it has sustained.

3. The Tree Has Trunk Damage

Check the trunk. If you see big cracks or large wounds and seams, these are indications that the tree isn’t salvageable. A tree care specialist will be able to determine whether or not the trunk is too damaged to allow the tree to remain.

4. The Tree Is Close to Power Lines

Trees that are growing into the power lines must always be removed. If trees near power lines are allowed to remain, they can be responsible for power failure or considerable property damage.

5. Fungus on the Tree

If you see a large amount of fungus on the tree, this is an indication that the tree is rotting internally. Trees that are rotting on the inside must always be removed, as they can cause other trees to develop disease. The tree can also fall, causing property damage or serious injury to people and pets.

You may feel tempted to remove the tree on your own to save a bit of money. You may reason that if you read enough DIY guides and watch videos on YouTube that you can accomplish the job without fail. However, don’t try to remove a tree yourself because you don’t have the special equipment or the years of training that a licensed tree care specialist has. Attempting to remove a tree on your own can put yourself and others in serious danger. Additionally, you can cause damage to your house or someone else’s property and wind up spending much more than you’ll pay for the cost of tree removal. If you believe you have a tree on your property that needs to be removed and you live in Springfield, MO, then contact The Tree Doctor for help.

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