Trimming & Pruning
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Expert Springfield Expert Tree Trimming & Pruning

When searching for an expert Springfield tree trimming company, many homeowners are unsure of what to look for or the right questions to ask potential clients. The single question that will provide the most information for homeowners is if there is a licensed arborist on staff. When the answer is yes, as it is when you speak to The Tree Doctor, you know that you will be getting horticulturally based services that will benefit the overall health of your trees.

Many people do not understand that even trees with similar appearances can have very different structures and growth habits. So it is essential to hire a Springfield tree pruning company that understands each tree’s needs. At The Tree Doctor, our arborist understands the needs of a Red Maple compared to those of a River Birch or a Flowering Dogwood and will provide the appropriate trimming and pruning services for each variety of tree. So when you want the best Springfield tree trimming for your tree’s overall health and the value of your investment, call The Tree Doctor at (417) 323-6775.

The Benefits Of Proper Tree Trimming In Springfield

Sadly, many people believe that tree trimming is only needed when a stray branch is blocking a sidewalk or scuffing against their home’s roof. However, that is far from the truth. Professional tree trimming is as vital to your trees as nutrients, water, and sunlight. And the licensed arborist at The Tree Doctor is ready to provide the special care needed to:
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Tree Surgeon!
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All Trees Need TLC

It is crucial for homeowners to understand that all trees will benefit significantly from professional Springfield tree trimming, not just large, mature trees. When a tree is young, it is much like a child in that it is very impressionable. Therefore, young trees need to be trimmed and pruned to promote proper growth that will become the foundation for essential strength and stability as the tree matures. So making a small investment in professional tree trimming for a tiny tree is an investment that continues to provide dividends for decades to come.

Why Select A Tree Care Expert?

At The Tree Doctor, our entire team is devoted to providing your trees the highest level of scientifically based care and nurturing. Each time our team trims or prunes your trees, the work is done with careful thought and planning for the tree’s future. From thinning the canopy to allow sunlight to penetrate and promote new growth to removing poorly formed growth that could compromise the strength of the tree in the future, our services are designed to enhance the visual appearance of your trees today and support a long and healthy life. So when you want the best care for your trees from a licensed tree care professional, please call The Tree Doctor at (417) 323-6775.