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Secure Your Home and Neighborhood With Proper Tree Care

Trees are a wonderful part of our communities, but unfortunately, they can also pose a hazard to your family and neighbors. Over time, many trees become weakened due to disease, age, and adverse weather conditions. These weakened trees can become dangerous if not properly managed and maintained. Here are some tips to help you protect your family and neighborhood from hazardous trees.

Regularly Inspect Your Trees

You should get a professional to inspect your trees regularly, which will help you to identify any potential associated risks. Schedule a tree service in advance so that the professionals can come out and assess any potential hazards. During the inspection, they will check for signs of rot, insect infestation, and disease. If any problems are found, the tree service can advise on how to address them and ensure the tree is safe.

Prune and Trim Your Trees

Pruning and trimming your trees regularly is essential for keeping them healthy and free from hazardous conditions. This will help to reduce the risk of falling branches and keep your trees neat and tidy. Ensure you use the correct pruning techniques so that you do not damage the tree or create additional risks. You should get a professional to come out and do the pruning if you are unsure of how to proceed.

Use Proper Tree Support Systems

If your tree is large or has a heavy crown, you should consider investing in proper support systems to ensure the tree does not become unstable. This could include installing cabling and bracing systems to provide additional support for the tree. Professional tree services can assess your tree and recommend the best support type. They can also install the systems for you to ensure they are securely in place.

Remove Dead or Dying Trees

If you have a dead or dying tree in your yard, it should be removed as soon as possible. Dead trees are more prone to falling over and can present a serious hazard if they are not taken care of. Always use a professional tree service to handle the removal so that it is done safely. They will have the right equipment and know-how to ensure the job is done correctly.

Invest in Tree Protection

Consider investing in tree protection if you have valuable or large trees on your property. This can help to protect the trees from storms and other disasters. The protection can include everything from tree cages and staking to lightning rods and root barriers. Other options include installing lightning diverters to help protect the trees.

Protecting your trees from hazardous conditions is essential to keeping your family and neighborhood safe. Regularly inspect, prune, and trim your trees to ensure they are healthy and free from hazards. Working with a professional tree service can help you to identify and address any potential risks before they become a major problem. The Tree Doctor can help you with all of your tree removal needs in Springfield, MO, so call us today for a safe and hassle-free experience.

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