Avoid Major Storm Damage to Your Property by Trimming Your Trees Properly

Lumberjack with saw and harness climbing a tree

Major storms are a part of life in Texas. As a homeowner, you prepare yourself and your home for these events, but you may not realize how important it is to get your trees ready for severe weather. Inspecting your property and hiring a professional tree-trimming service company ensures the safety of your home. Inspect […]

Tree Pruning Mistakes to Avoid and How to Choose a Reliable Expert

garden work in spring, cutting a tree

Tree pruning is a maintenance procedure involving the selective removal of parts of a tree or bush to promote healthy growth. The goal of tree pruning is to minimize the impact on the health and beauty of the tree while achieving your desired look. It also helps ensure safety for those nearby by reducing potential […]

4 Tips to Promote Tree Growth and Fruit Production During the Summer

gardener pruning trees with pruning shears on nature background.

Summer is a time when many people go outside to enjoy the warm weather. However, it is also a time when the trees are most vulnerable. The warm sun and dry air can cause trees to wither and produce less fruit. With care, many trees can survive the summer and produce fruit again. 1. Plant […]

5 Ways Trees Respond to Excess Moisture

Professional gardener pruning a tree

Trees are vital to our global ecosystem, providing life-giving oxygen and protecting our land from erosion. But when it comes to extra moisture, trees respond differently depending on the species. Some tree species thrive in wet environments while others struggle. Below are some ways trees respond to excess water. 1. Loss of Leaves Tree leaves […]

8 Benefits of Removing Stumps in Early Spring

Stump of old birch tree on the lawn in the garden

The best time of year to remove tree stumps is early spring. The ideal weather will allow the wood left after removing the stump to dry well and rot away, preventing unwanted insect or animal issues like termites or carpenter ants from forming in your soil. Removing tree stumps is an important part of maintaining […]

How to Keep Your Property Safe With Tree Storm Prep

Platform lift on the tree canopy and blue sky to prune the branches

The weather can be unpredictable, and even the most prepared homeowner may not know what to expect when severe storms strike. To keep your property safe from damage, prepare for storms by taking the following steps. Trim Trees in Your Yard It’s important to trim trees in your yard regularly. This helps to keep limbs […]

Advantages of Adding Mulch Beds to Your Garden

Professional gardener watering a tree he just planted.

Healthy plants do not just happen; they need to be cultivated with care. Mulch beds are one of the more popular ways to give plants the nurturance and protection from the elements they need to thrive. Here are some of the advantages of mulch beds: Help Retain Moisture Mulch beds help retain moisture in the […]

How to Spot Signs of a Tree in Trouble

tree branch with green leaves of affected closeup

Trees are an integral part of our environment and provide many benefits. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the signs that a tree is in trouble. It could be something as small as yellowing leaves or a bigger issue, such as visible fungus growing on the trunk. Here’s a guide to help you […]

Warning Signs of Tree Pests

Tree and root

If you’re a homeowner, you know that it’s essential to be vigilant when checking for signs of pests or diseases in your trees. A single tree pest can do a lot of damage, and before you know it, your whole tree could be infested. This article will discuss some of the most common warning signs […]

5 Factors That Determine When Trees Must Be Removed

An electric chainsaw is being used to cut down a tree that was killed by a hurricane in Florida.

It’s not always easy to know when a tree must be removed. Many trees can often be saved, and some dead trees are also allowed to remain since they serve as a good habitat for wildlife. However, there are cases when tree removal is necessary. Knowing the factors that determine this will help you to […]